Education & Facilitation
If you are looking for a workshop in your office or school, reach out to discuss how we can put together a learning experience for your staff or students
Topics can be customized, or drawn from areas such as:
Sustainable Apparel Design, Consumer Product (Re)Design & Development, Social Impact Campaign Development, Sustainable Supply Chain for Designers, Print Design for Textiles, You Can Art (a drawing class for people who "can’t" draw), The Disruptive Design Method
Practical and transferable skills in designing for the circular economy, life cycle mapping, systems thinking + sustainable design.
what you’ll learn
ability to lead change by design in the circular economy
Tools for designing positive creative interventions
how to develop a practice in circular systems design
A deep, proactive, creative and fun learning experience
Development of a systems thinking toolset
Explore the systems around you for positive design contributions
drive momentum towards positive social + environmental change
Understanding of how the brain works in creative processes.

Sustainable Design Workshops
Sustainable Product (Re)Design
This workshop can be customized to be about a specific product in particular (ie, clothing, household goods, or products in general) and tailored to any level, from student to professional level. Design your project from scratch through to end of life considerations, or redesign an existing product with sustainable design practices.
Social Impact Campaign Design
Learn how to design a creative campaign around any social impact topic, applying a systems thinking mindset. Learn how to leverage the basics such as colour, layout, taking into account cultural considerations. Layer in how people receive and react to information, cognitive biases, and strategies for impact.
Creative Skills Development
Workshop themes can be customized and often include:
Illustration & design projects for print, web or application to products
Textile print design & production
You Can Art (drawing skills for people who can’t draw)
Duration of workshops can be either rapid fire one day sessions or full project development over 6-8 weeks.

The UnSchool
about the ddm
Disruptive Design Method Workshops
Developed by Disrupt Design and UnSchool founder, Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, this method uses a three-part iterative process of MINING, LANDSCAPING and BUILDING and is all about opportunities based in a growth mindset.
This method flows through a process of creative changemaking to enable systems levels change and offers fresh approaches to skill development and knowledge transfer for those who want to solve significant social and environmental issues.
Actively challenge the dominant idea that individual agency is limited in effecting positive change through professional and personal practice, and commit to being a positive social force while activating your change agency to address complex social and environmental problems.
As a DDM certified educator, I can design and run a workshop for your group in this unique method to approaching complex change.
Emma Segal
As a certified UnSchool Educator, I design, run, produce and facilitate workshops around the world with and for the UnSchool. Along with knowledge on the systems, sustainability and design pillars, the UnSchool has a unique method of facilitation to encourage and increase the uptake and follow through of participants, to take inspiration and turn it into new ways of doing things.
We’ve all been in workshops and courses that are exciting (or sometimes boring!) in the moment, and then quickly forgotten them. With the UnSchool, you walk away with simple, effective tools that can be applied to any project you have, big or small, that support the mindset shifts gained during the workshop.
I’ve had the great benefit and pleasure of being involved in several Fellowships - as a volunteer for San Francisco, production & education teams for Mumbai, Kuching, and as lead educator for Cape Town. I also co-hosted the UnSchool PostDisposable Workhop in Arhus, Denmark in collaboration with KaosPilots and take part in contributing to the UnSchool online content and Disrupt Design change projects.
ready to get started?